Hradec Králové – FOOD COURT
We realized for FOOD COURT Hradec Králové
- special coloured green wall, the colours are highlighted thanks to the illumination
– the wall is 25 m2 (4×6 m) and over 500 plants have been used
– the wall is automatically irrigated, the plants are in a mineral substrate (they thrive, grow all over the surface, no need for replacement due to rotting)
– we have used Aglaonema, Ficus, Dracaena, Schefflera, Marantha, Codiaeum, Philodendron, Epipremnum plants including different species and cultivars to achieve the desired colour effect
– regular maintenance of this wall
- green arched wall set in anthracite slats with the illuminated inscription FOOD COURT
– approx. 200 plants with automatic irrigation have been used for the wall
– the substrate is a zeolite, which is the best possible solution for growing plants, thanks to its high porosity, fertilised with a slow-release fertiliser
- planting in beds, the beds are part of the Food Court furniture and are located throughout the dining area
– approx. 300 plants have been used for the planting
– 2 types of beds have been used
- combined lower and taller plants with creeping undergrowth – creating a jungle feel
- single species beds of Dracaena surculosa, giving the impression of bamboo and a linear front
- moss walls in metal frames illuminated by LED lights
- metal-framed mirrors in the toilets – our complete bespoke product
- artificial plants in the toilet room